Saudações Diabólicas
Estava eu a passear em plena Hold Bond Street, olhando as montras, apreciando as bifas e a suas proeminentes glândulas mamárias, quando, de repente, me lembrei em inglês:
Does somebody help me to find out when does the fucking Anonymous from Loulé (or from the lighthouse island) books the match that will allow the end of the Honorious Conflictus???
Crazy Duck, please don’t disappoint me … the anonymous from Loulé is already abusing and somebody must help me to clean the spirit of this great and special golfers blog, the PEE GA.
Do I need to ask to the Judge to put an end on this situation?
Well my dear friend, I think it´s easyer to find haunt Anica from Loulé at Esfola PeeGA than that chicken Anonymous.
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